Pre-Prep (4-5 years)

Imagination is a powerful tool for a child. At this stage, we highly encourage children to foster the power of their imagination through loose parts play, use of technology, and pre-school activities such as early literacy and numeracy. Your child’s creativity will be at the fore front here, where we curate unique spaces to suit their learning curiosities.

Loose-Parts Play and Teacher-Supported Learning: Utilizing loose-parts play and teacher-supported learning experiences is vital for fostering the development of foundational skills necessary for formal schooling. These experiences provide opportunities for children to engage in hands-on exploration and problem-solving activities, laying the groundwork for academic success. Here, we ensure that, together with the child, we build the best possible “bridge” into the next chapter of their learning journey.

Building Independent and Self-Help Skills: Preparing children to be independent and self-sufficient is a priority at this stage. Teachers focus on helping children develop essential self-help skills such as dressing themselves, managing personal belongings, and completing simple tasks independently. This fosters a sense of competence and confidence in their abilities. Here, we encourage parents to start giving simple responsibilities to their child such as packing up toys or cleaning up after themselves to build and foster strong independent skills.

Emphasizing Problem-Solving Skills: Encouraging problem-solving skills is essential for children's cognitive development. Teachers provide opportunities for children to encounter and solve problems independently or collaboratively, fostering critical thinking and creativity. Children will start to take on more complex tasks and enjoy the reward of solving them.

Empowering Children as Agents of Their Learning: At this stage, children are encouraged to take ownership of their learning experiences. They become increasingly active participants in the learning process, making choices, exploring interests, and setting goals. Learning in a group setting alongside peers not only builds confidence but also fosters social skills and a sense of belonging.