Kinder (3-4 years)

This is an exciting time for both parents and child as they begin to expressively communicate. Nurturing their verbal skills and ways to communicate their thoughts are essential at this stage. Here we teach children to develop appropriate social skills to build relationships with their peers.

Expanded Learning through Communication: With their growing verbal skills, children at this age can communicate their thoughts, ideas, and questions more effectively. This verbal communication becomes an essential tool in their learning process, allowing them to express themselves, ask questions, and engage in meaningful conversations with adults and peers. This is where we start developing good speech habits to help the child prosper in their language proficiency and development.

Environments and Learning Experiences: The learning environment plays a crucial role in supporting children's exploration and discovery. Open-ended play in settings with loose parts encourages creativity, problem-solving, and imagination. Educators scaffold this play by providing guidance, materials, and opportunities for children to explore their interests and ideas. At Little World, we purposefully curate our play areas and landscaping to optimize the child’s learning. Don’t be surprised if you see their play area evolve from time to time!

Cooperation and Relationship Building: Kindergarten-age children are learning the importance of cooperation and teamwork. They begin to understand the dynamics of relationships and the interconnectedness of learning from peers. Through collaborative activities and group play, children learn to share, take turns, negotiate, and empathize with others, laying the groundwork for positive social development. We also see beautiful friendships and play-dates start to blossom here!